Tuesday, November 19, 2013

I Did Not Sign up For This!

What did sign up for? I can’t do this. Help me Jesus! Lord, I need you.  Is this what it takes to build a nice body? I don’t know if I can do this.

These are the thoughts that were going through my mind on Saturday during my third personal training session.  In the beginning, I was all smiles because it was my birthday weekend.  By the end, there was not a smile in sight.  I just wanted to cry!  I was tired, felt weak, in pain...still in pain. I wanted “the body”, hired the trainer, have been working out with the trainer, but then I started second guessing myself.  I know it’s a part of my journey, but I literally started getting frustrated, feeling defeated, and getting angry.  Even this morning during my workout, I literally burned half of what I should have burned because my body just doesn’t feel like it used to.  I feel like I’m being broken.  LITERALLY!

I came across this scripture this morning because I needed something to push me/get me out of this funk that I’m in: “Last of all I want to remind you that your strength must come from the Lord’s mighty power within you.” (Ephesians 6:10)  My strength is going to come through Him. Of course it is.  Just like everything else I’ve been through, I’ve had to rely on Him to get me through.  I’ve experienced financial strain, depression, loneliness, and what did I have to do?  Just “look to the hills from whence cometh my help.  My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth."
(Psalm 121:1)

So whatever you may be going through today, keep your eyes on Him so that you may rise to the next level He has for you, whether that’s physically (like me), mentally, spiritually, emotionally, or financially.  He’s got you and me!  Let Him break you, so He can mold you how He needs you.

Leslie - You can do this!  You've got this!  You are stronger than ever before. Conquer it girl!


Friday, November 8, 2013

Leslie's 33rd Birthday on the 3rd - My First 15K

If you would have told me that I would run a 15K this year, I would have looked at you crazy and then slapped you silly!

I wanted to do something fitness related for my birthday this year, but I wasn’t sure what.  I thought about climbing the Sears Tower. To create a team, it was too much financial responsibility.  Plus, I had already climbed the Hancock Building.  So then I saw this really cute pullover jacket for the Hot Chocolate Race.  So I thought, I’ll do the 5K.  My sister Lauren calls me up and says that she’ll fly from New York if I do the 15K.  She was like, “Girl, you’ve already done a 5K.  You need to challenge yourself.”  So I obliged.  A couple weeks later, she’s like “Leslie, I’m supporting my friend here in a full marathon, and it’s the same day as the Hot Chocolate Race.” So what did that mean?  I was doing this 15K alone. ***SAD FACE***  :( It was okay, as there were many ladies who joined me in the race, and my hubby completed his first 5K!

THE RACE: The day came, and I was elated to be there!  There were so many people, music, and smiles that you couldn’t help but be ecstatic!  It started off great!  There were people lined up everywhere around downtown and Grant Park.  When the split came (the 5K and 15K runners ran the first 2.5 miles together), it was like a ghost town.  I realized that I was really going to have to depend on Jesus to help me finish these final 6 miles. The next 3 weren’t too bad actually.  Then, I started getting a headache.  My ankle was hurting and so was my lower back.  But I was determined to finish.  I never stopped running.  I kept hearing Lauren (my sister) saying, “You can do this!  You’ve already conquered this race.” I played my music.  When a hill came, I tried to sprint up that hill to get it over with.  Needless to say, when I saw that finish line, I said “Hallelujah”, and tears filled my eyes.  I finished the 15K race!

I have never been a runner my entire life.  But two ladies in particular have encouraged me to keep it moving (and try running).  Lauren (my sister) and Michelle Barnett (from Ohio), my cousin’s cousin.  These two ladies really inspired me to run, and I am forever grateful!  You never know what you can do until you try! (very cliché but so very true)

What’s next?  Well Lauren and I are in conversation about a half marathon in NYC next May.  I’ll keep you posted.  My Lord – what have I committed to?

Can you tell we're excited about getting our bibs???

Roland looks kind of scared in our first shot! LOL!!!

....And then we absolutely LOVE our goodie bag!  This jacket is the truth! Love it!
Thank you Hot Chocolate Chicago!!!



*** RACE DAY***

I ran into my college friend Watchen! Hey girl!  It was so good seeing this beautiful chica.

Look at all the people!  Thousands participated in this race.  In total, there were over 75,000 runners, volunteers, and spectators!!!  WOWZERS!


My mommy even came all the way from St. Louis to run with me.  Thanks mommy! Muah!

I finally met some of my fellow BMJ (Bad Mamma Jamma) Sisters! Nice run ladies!

We made it to the finish line!  I was pooped!  My legs felt like jello, yet I was so very proud of my accomplishments.



Getting ready to board the train home.  Look at our biggest chearleader!  She was standing on the sidelines with my dad yelling "Hurry up people! Go. Go. Go." That's my Ava!