Saturday, March 8, 2014


Well it’s been a while since I’ve shared my journey with you, but I’m DETERMINED to do much better as there are so many of you feeling the same way as myself.  Yes, I’ve been exercising and eating pretty much like I should – clean, but I don’t deprive myself of an occasional treat.  Recently, I’ve been getting sick way too often though. Is it the weather? Me not getting enough nutrients? What? I just decided that I needed some “me time”.  What am I doing? I am chillin’ this weekend with a good friend at a secret place. What have I done? Pretty much nothing, but relaxing, relating, and releasing. We’ve eaten, talked, slept, exercised, eaten and talked some more, and now I’m laying in the bed working on my computer (not actual “work work”, but “me work”). Yes….me time!

Last year, I realized that it was okay to start working on me. But I haven’t had much time to really spend the time to REST.  As Jesus told the apostles in Mark 6:31 "Come away by yourselves to a lonely place and rest a while.' For there were many people coming and going, and they did not even have time to eat."  For all those who know me know that I LOVE TO EAT!  I don’t ever want to get so busy that I forget (or don’t have time) to eat.  There has been so much on my mind lately – things I want to accomplish (i.e. mental/spiritual healing, physical fitness, etc.), professional goals I want to achieve, me reaching toward my destiny, but I could not even continue on that path until I embraced this moment.  It was time for me to have some me time, and I encourage you to do the same.

God even rested on the 7th day, so why don’t you take some time for you?

I love you all!



  1. Thanks for the reminder. Love you girl!

  2. Awesome! Yes, having personal time is extremely important not only to our physical health, but our mental health. My "me" time is yoga and running! We mother's have to carve that time out for ourselves so we can continue to do all we do...gracefully! :-)

    1. We sure do! I am learning, slowly but surely. Thank you for being an encourager.

  3. It's so important for us to have our "me" time. If we don't truly take care of our self, we want be valuable to anyone else!

  4. You were certainly up late/early! But yes, I totally agree with you Joi.
