Monday, March 31, 2014

Share Your Smile

We are halfway through the day, and yes I'm putting a challenge out there.  I challenge you to SMILE! Smile at a minimum of 3 complete strangers today.  If you don't see any strangers for the remainder of the day, smile at people you know.  It's amazing how just one smile can affect another person's mood.  It can also alter your own mood.  Let me know how this goes.  I'd love to hear your results.

Have a Marvelous, Mind-blowing Monday!!

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Sunday, March 30, 2014

Giving My ALL to HIM

Time for Spiritual Sundays...

Another transparent moment:

My pastor challenged me (and others) to be consistent in my worship/devotional time with the Lord. Do I read the Bible and pray? Yes, of course I do.  Am I consistent with talking to Jesus and reading my Bible on a daily basis without distractions? I can honestly say that I am not. Things are not always what they seem. Yes, I’m a Christian, and I "act" like one. People know that I’m one. But how is my relationship with Christ?  It needs to GROW!!! I swear this motherhood thing is HARD.  If I’m consistent with working out, something else seems to lack in my life whether it be spiritually or mentally.  I’m truly trying to find a balance in my life to be spiritually, physically, and mentally balanced. 

Today, Pastor Chris said something soooo profound today, and it went a little something like this (in my own words)…

“If you are experiencing just a little bit of depression, it’s not depression. You’re in bondage because you haven’t been open to the healing/restoration that accompanies giving your worries to God through prayer.”  That thing got me this morning because I know that because of our situation over the past few years, I have not totally been trusting God.!!!  Leslie is not the person you may think she is, and I've finally acknowledged that it's time to up the game! I was convicted beyond measure.  It’s been a being mad at God because He didn't do things the way I just knew they were supposed to be done.  But God has repeatedly been asking me to put my trust in Him. Commit to Him. Love on Him. In reality, I know what to do and how to do it, but I’ve been scared to release my all to Him. (Yes, I’m being extremely transparent here.)  But I'm ready. This year is really about healing for me. And in order for me to truly heal, I know I need God.

Starting tomorrow, I will be spending time in the MORNING with Jesus. I will follow this “challenge” until Easter Sunday to see how my relationship with the Lord strengthens. I look forward to reporting to you How He changes my life and my perspective of prayer.  I encourage you to do the same.  It doesn’t have to be long…just remain consistent in your time with the Lord.  I must say it’s going to be hard for me to wake up earlier to do this (especially to read and pray), BUT if I’ve been able to wake up to exercise, I can certainly give this time to Jesus.

Keep me lifted.

I love you all!


Thursday, March 27, 2014

Why settle?


Why settle if you’re not happy?  You go to work. Hate what you’re doing. Cry in the bathroom where no one can see or hear you. Complain about your job.  Why settle?

What were you created for?  What are you passionate about? What are you going to do about it?  It’s time to step out on faith. Start talking to people who are already in your industry.  Start developing those relationships. Vounteer in that area. Go back to school. Revamp your resume.

The time is now. No more excuses.  No more, “I don’t have time”.  Don’t let the clock keep ticking. There’s no time like the present.

You can either be happy in 5 years or be in the same place.

What are you going to do about your current situation? It’s time to live.

Let’s live together!!!


Monday, March 24, 2014

My Marvelous Monday Morning...

***Introducing Marvelous Mind Mondays***

This morning, I was awakened out of my sleep by a sudden, loud knocking on the door!  At least I thought it was knocking…was I dreaming? 

It’s so interesting that I shared yesterday that starting today, I would start my 28 days of trusting God fully.  Then this happens.  My anxiety started to kick in.  My heart was racing. I even went and grabbed Ava out of her bed so she could sleep next to me.  I prayed. I called Roland, so I could share my story with him. I prayed some more. Finally, I was able to rest for a few more minutes before waking up for work.  I contemplated staying home so I could “rest”, but I refused to allow the devil to have any type of credit. I prayed asking God to keep my mind. I was going to work!  I was going to walk fearless! I prayed some more as I was waiting on the train! I was going to give him complete control! 

Whether or not that truly was a knocking at the door that early in the morning, I will never know. But what I do know is that God is regulating my mind as we speak. 

So many people think it's so taboo to talk about the mind (i.e. counseling, therapy, depression, anxiety, etc.), but it's really not. The thoughts that go through our minds sometimes has a direct influence on people's life and their actions.  Don't allow the negative thoughts of your mind to control your day or your life.  Ephesians 4:23 talks about renewing your mind.  Every Monday, we will focus on feeding your mind happy thoughts so you may achieve your destiny. There are great plans for your life, and positive thoughts will help you get there.  (But know that I will also keep this very real, as mental health is a very serious matter.)

Have a Marvelous Monday!!!

Photo Credit:

Live Unveiled

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Fear: What is it really?

***Introducing Spiritual Sundays...***

"Fear reveals what you value the most and where you trust God the least." -Craig Groesche

HONEST MOMENT: I heard this at my class at church on Thursday and was really convicted. I thought to myself "I really need to get my act together". Over the past few years I've feared my family's safety, my own personal success, our financial wellness, opening my checking account to see if our balance is positive or negative ... The list goes on and on... But in this class called Cleansing Streams at my new church Christian Life Center, they are truly teaching me to fully COMMIT everything to God. If I trust Him, I need to trust Him. 

I remember meeting an older gentleman "randomly" a month or so ago. (I don't believe in "random", divine connections.) He told me "You either trust God or you don't. There's no in between." I must say that even over the past few days, I've tried to live this motto, and it's amazing how God has moved in my life in that short timespan. Over the next 28 days, I will be putting this motto into practice - fully trusting and believing in God for His purpose for my life. I look forward to reporting on how God moves in my life over the next month. No more fear. No more doubt. Trusting God all the way! 

I encourage you to join me on this journey of being FEARLESS! I always thought that I was totally trusting God, but I've learned recently that I haven't totally been honest with myself.

Live Unveiled

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Are you a Rolls-Royce or a Toyota?

Are you working on your passion? Are you not happy in your profession? Are you ready to do what God has called you to do? Me too!  I’ve spoken with many people (even in the past few days) that have a vision, but are tired of waiting.  Me included!  But the truth is that it takes time to develop yourself.

In this example, it takes 13 hours to build a Toyota….yes only 13 hours!  I actually love Toyotas. They have a smooth ride and a nice appearance. But a Rolls-Royce… I think I’ve only sat in a Rolls-Royce. They take 332 times as long to  build.  You don’t see as many of them driven on the road because they are a luxury car, the best of the best. For every 332 Toyotas, you may only see 1 Rolls-Royce.  They are unique. They exude power, prestige, and position.  

So what about you? Are you just like everyone else – just like every Toyota being driven down the street?  Or is God creating you to be unique, powerful, and influential? Take the time to enjoy the journey.  It may be hard. You may cry some tears, and the heat from the pressure of being built may hurt.  It’s okay. Just think of the creation in the end.  Sometimes, you can’t see it, but I encourage you (and me) to keep the faith and enjoy the process.

Over the past 11 years, I've worked in sales and now in education. I can't say that I've worked in my passion, but I've met some incredible people and learned a great deal.  Now I'm so focused on my passion that I want it NOW!  But God has a different plan in mind.  Even though I don't know what that entails, He wants me to learn something. He's building, creating, and molding me into the person He desires me to be. 

I know that I desire to be a Rolls-Royce!  What about you? Remember - LIVE UNVEILED.

**If you’d like to help me name my Thursday posts, please comment below.  I’d like to write about your individual passion and professional growth. Thank you!***

Photo Credit: Instagram (Anonymous)

Monday, March 17, 2014

Chips. Cookies. Fast Food.

Chips. Cookies. Fast Food. Bread. Desserts. More Fast Food. All the foods I shouldn’t be having right? Well guess what? Last week, I got sick, and I mean sick.  I didn’t meal prep the weekend before because I wasn't feeling well. A matter of fact, I’ve been feeling horrible off and on pretty much all winter.  I didn’t have the energy to cook. Honestly, I didn't even have the taste for anything healthy. Plus, I was depressed about getting sick yet again, so what did I turn to?  Chips. Cookies. Fast Food. Bread. Desserts. More Fast Food. And it wasn’t just in one day. It’s been over the past 5 days….I was craving it over and over and over again and unfortunately, I gave in. Funny thing is that I'm currently participating in a 10-week fitness challenge, but even that could not get me back on track.

I write this post not to complain or have you feel sorry for me, but to share with you all that I’m not perfect (nor will I ever will be). This fitness/health journey is REAL!!!  Plus, I haven’t exercised in over a week, so I’m feeling sluggish.  I got word that I had a sinus infection on Wednesday. Now it’s Monday. I still haven’t meal prepped because my energy has been so low.  Unfortunately, I have zero desire to meal prep. And I reached down today to check out the muscle in my legs, and guess what….it’s nearly gone!  And I’ve picked up a few pounds.  Can I tell you how disgusted I am with myself?

But the journey is real right?  So what do I need to do?  First, I’ve recognized that I’ve resorted to old habits that need to change quickly. It doesn’t take long for the weight to creep back up/old habits to surface.  Now I’m trying to change my mindset after a long week of feeling weak that I can do this! 

I’ve contemplated the past few days about sharing this part of my journey as I desire to be an inspiration.  But if you don’t know the other side…the entire truth to my journey, then it would definitely be false advertisement that I’ve got this all together.  The truth is that I’m struggling right now to get back on track, especially since I’ve been sick off and on for the past few months.  But I’ve got to do something. 

I end this post asking you to keep me lifted! I know I can do this. I’ve done it before, and I refuse to go back to where I used to be. I also challenge you to do the same. If you've fallen off the course, let's get back on together. Let me know what your challenges are, and we can help each other.  I'm here for you! Be the best you that you can be!!!

I love you all, and I pray that my transparency has helped someone today!  You know what they say, “There is freedom in transparency”, and my desire is to be FREE.

Saturday, March 8, 2014


Well it’s been a while since I’ve shared my journey with you, but I’m DETERMINED to do much better as there are so many of you feeling the same way as myself.  Yes, I’ve been exercising and eating pretty much like I should – clean, but I don’t deprive myself of an occasional treat.  Recently, I’ve been getting sick way too often though. Is it the weather? Me not getting enough nutrients? What? I just decided that I needed some “me time”.  What am I doing? I am chillin’ this weekend with a good friend at a secret place. What have I done? Pretty much nothing, but relaxing, relating, and releasing. We’ve eaten, talked, slept, exercised, eaten and talked some more, and now I’m laying in the bed working on my computer (not actual “work work”, but “me work”). Yes….me time!

Last year, I realized that it was okay to start working on me. But I haven’t had much time to really spend the time to REST.  As Jesus told the apostles in Mark 6:31 "Come away by yourselves to a lonely place and rest a while.' For there were many people coming and going, and they did not even have time to eat."  For all those who know me know that I LOVE TO EAT!  I don’t ever want to get so busy that I forget (or don’t have time) to eat.  There has been so much on my mind lately – things I want to accomplish (i.e. mental/spiritual healing, physical fitness, etc.), professional goals I want to achieve, me reaching toward my destiny, but I could not even continue on that path until I embraced this moment.  It was time for me to have some me time, and I encourage you to do the same.

God even rested on the 7th day, so why don’t you take some time for you?

I love you all!
