Tuesday, April 8, 2014

I Live to Serve.

I was using the Siri function on my phone this morning and just playing around I told her "Thank You". Her response? "I Live to Serve". My iPhone literally and unexpectedly ministered to me! We have so many desires and goals that we want to achieve in life, but my iPhone reminded me this morning that our dreams and aspirations must include service. Who will we help today? It could be a small gesture, a smile, or simply a helping hand. Jesus served (and obviously my phone does too) and in order to be like Him, we must follow in his footsteps by being a servant. I live to serve. Do you?

Thank you to my iPhone for this important and informative message. You really were on point today. 

Photo credit: My iPhone :)


Monday, April 7, 2014

I'm Possible!


Do you have dreams? Do you think positive thoughts on a daily basis?  Do you know what your vision entails?

Have you ever had anyone tell you that you will not accomplish anything? You're worthless? You will never be successful in life?

I must say that I have been blessed to have parents who have always spoken positive reinforcement in my life. It wasn't until adulthood (and some of my teenage years) that I started second guessing myself because I'm not where I desire to be.  But guess what?  It took me a long time to realize that just because I'm not where I'd like to be doesn't mean that my vision can still not be a reality.

Just think if people like Thomas Edison, Tyler Perry, Walt Disney, or Oprah Winfrey allowed "unsuccess" and failure to stop them from moving forward toward their destiny.

As Audrey Hepburn said, "Nothing is impossible.  The word itself says I'm Possible." ...And so are you. It's time to believe in yourself even if no one else does. YOU ARE POSSIBLE!!!

Photo credit: www.fashionbymayhem.com


God's Compliments


"God compliments us by putting us in difficult situations."

Wow! And to think you thought it was all about you. God trusted you enough to go through this situation. But there is GLORY on the other side. Trust and believe that this is solely a compliment!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014



So many of you have asked me what steps I’ve taken to accomplish my fitness goals over the past year.  Well, I just took it step by step, day by day.  Here are a few things to consider to help you along your fitness journey.

1. Drink more water. Try drinking at least half of your body weight in ounces. For example, if you weigh 200lb, drink 100 ounces of water. If that’s too much, start small with a minimum of 64 ounces/day.  That should be the minimum for everyone no matter how much you weigh.
2. Walk 15 minutes during your break at work.
3. Park your car at the back of the parking lot.
4. Walk up the flight of stairs vs. taking the elevator.
5. Get an exercise buddy and/or accountability group. You can join my sister Lauren and me in our Facebook group if you’d like: Just Keep Moving!
6. Find an activity that you enjoy doing (I.e. biking, skiing, walking along the lake, rock climbing, tennis, racquetball, Zumba, dancing, stepping, etc.)
7. Eat a minimum of 5 servings of vegetables and fruit in your diet everyday. (Note: ½ C equals 1 serving; for leafy vegetables such as spinach, kale – 1 C is equal to 1 serving)
8. Limit your dessert intake. You don’t need a bowl of ice cream every night before you go to bed.
9. Stop eating after a certain time. Try 7pm. Instead drink water when you feel the urge to eat.
10. Pack your lunch! You don’t need to eat out wi
th the coworkers everyday.

These are just a few tips to getting you on your way to being healthy. I know you can do it one step at a time! Pick one or two and start TODAY.


Monday, March 31, 2014

Share Your Smile

We are halfway through the day, and yes I'm putting a challenge out there.  I challenge you to SMILE! Smile at a minimum of 3 complete strangers today.  If you don't see any strangers for the remainder of the day, smile at people you know.  It's amazing how just one smile can affect another person's mood.  It can also alter your own mood.  Let me know how this goes.  I'd love to hear your results.

Have a Marvelous, Mind-blowing Monday!!

Photo credit: www.intuitedlife.com/


Sunday, March 30, 2014

Giving My ALL to HIM

Time for Spiritual Sundays...

Another transparent moment:

My pastor challenged me (and others) to be consistent in my worship/devotional time with the Lord. Do I read the Bible and pray? Yes, of course I do.  Am I consistent with talking to Jesus and reading my Bible on a daily basis without distractions? I can honestly say that I am not. Things are not always what they seem. Yes, I’m a Christian, and I "act" like one. People know that I’m one. But how is my relationship with Christ?  It needs to GROW!!! I swear this motherhood thing is HARD.  If I’m consistent with working out, something else seems to lack in my life whether it be spiritually or mentally.  I’m truly trying to find a balance in my life to be spiritually, physically, and mentally balanced. 

Today, Pastor Chris said something soooo profound today, and it went a little something like this (in my own words)…

“If you are experiencing just a little bit of depression, it’s not depression. You’re in bondage because you haven’t been open to the healing/restoration that accompanies giving your worries to God through prayer.”  That thing got me this morning because I know that because of our situation over the past few years, I have not totally been trusting God. Yup...me!!!  Leslie is not the person you may think she is, and I've finally acknowledged that it's time to up the game! I was convicted beyond measure.  It’s been a whirlwind...like being mad at God because He didn't do things the way I just knew they were supposed to be done.  But God has repeatedly been asking me to put my trust in Him. Commit to Him. Love on Him. In reality, I know what to do and how to do it, but I’ve been scared to release my all to Him. (Yes, I’m being extremely transparent here.)  But I'm ready. This year is really about healing for me. And in order for me to truly heal, I know I need God.

Starting tomorrow, I will be spending time in the MORNING with Jesus. I will follow this “challenge” until Easter Sunday to see how my relationship with the Lord strengthens. I look forward to reporting to you How He changes my life and my perspective of prayer.  I encourage you to do the same.  It doesn’t have to be long…just remain consistent in your time with the Lord.  I must say it’s going to be hard for me to wake up earlier to do this (especially to read and pray), BUT if I’ve been able to wake up to exercise, I can certainly give this time to Jesus.

Keep me lifted.

I love you all!


Thursday, March 27, 2014

Why settle?


Why settle if you’re not happy?  You go to work. Hate what you’re doing. Cry in the bathroom where no one can see or hear you. Complain about your job.  Why settle?

What were you created for?  What are you passionate about? What are you going to do about it?  It’s time to step out on faith. Start talking to people who are already in your industry.  Start developing those relationships. Vounteer in that area. Go back to school. Revamp your resume.

The time is now. No more excuses.  No more, “I don’t have time”.  Don’t let the clock keep ticking. There’s no time like the present.

You can either be happy in 5 years or be in the same place.

What are you going to do about your current situation? It’s time to live.

Let’s live together!!!